Dear Liberal Media: Stop Gaslighting President Trump’s Mount Rushmore Speech

Democrats and Their Liberal Media Counterparts are Completely Lying About the Contents of the President's Speech

Posted on Jul 6, 2020
By American Herald Staff

On Independence Day Eve, President Trump delivered a historical address to the nation, celebrating America’s freedom and calling for national unity.

However, Democrats and their liberal media counterparts are completely lying about the contents of the speech.

  • From Time: President Trump Pushes Racial Division, at Mt. Rushmore Speech
  • From Washington Post: At Mount Rushmore, Trump exploits social divisions, warns of ‘left-wing cultural revolution’ in dark speech ahead of Independence Day
  • From the New York Times: “Standing in a packed amphitheater in front of Mount Rushmore for an Independence Day celebration, President Trump delivered a dark and divisive speech.”  
  • From CNN: Trump doubles down on divisive messaging in speech to honor Independence Day
  • From Yamiche Alcindor: “You saw so many people in this country, especially people of color look really, really disturbed when the President and then-candidate Trump started saying Make America Great Again because, of course, the quick question was, ‘well, what part of America and what period are you talking about? Is it when African-Americans were enslaved? Is it when women couldn’t vote? Is it when native American people were literally run off their land?”
  • From Al Sharpton: We Must ‘Eliminate’ Founders, Statues of ‘White Supremacy’ from the ‘American Story’
  • From Ari Melber: Looking Fondly on America’s Past Is ‘Propaganda’ to ‘Erase, Ignore, Lie About’ Our ‘Ugly Parts’
  • From Trymaine Lee: “It’s the theft of history, the theft of the narrative, and places like Mount Rushmore or spots in communities all across this country where Confederate monuments have been erected. It was to steal the history and steal the truth, to always reflect back on those ideas of white supremacy and power and domination and we see that again.”
  • From Michelle Goldberg: “When somebody makes, you know, a sort of dark film rendition of these awful, awful four years, this, you know, surreal and noirish and frankly kind of fascist in an ascetic spectacle is going to be part of the de nu mon.”

Those above statements could not be further from the truth.

From The Federalist:

Donald Trump did not launch the latest culture war: The left-leaning press, political foes, Marxist-believing activists, and corporate and educational institutions did. When President Trump stood before a patriotic crowd on Friday night, under the watchful eyes of our country’s greatest presidents, his pronouncement that the silent majority will not retreat or surrender our founding principles was not divisive. It was American.

On the eve of Independence Day, our 45th president proclaimed the truths on which our country was founded. He reminded listeners that “our Founders launched not only a revolution in government, but a revolution in the pursuit of justice, equality, liberty, and prosperity” by enshrining the “divine truth that changed the world forever when they said: ‘…all men are created equal.’”

Then, to the horror of the leftists who seek to destroy this country, Trump continued: “Our founders boldly declared that we are all endowed with the same divine rights — given [to] us by our Creator in Heaven. And that which God has given us, we will allow no one, ever, to take away – ever.”

More from the Wall Street Journal:

President Trump delivered one of the best speeches of his Presidency Friday evening at Mount Rushmore, and for evidence consider the echo-chamber headlines above. The chorus of independent media voices understands that Mr. Trump is trying to rally the country in defense of traditional American principles that are now under radical and unprecedented assault.

Dark? In most respects Mr. Trump’s speech was a familiar Fourth of July ode to liberty and U.S. achievement that any President might have delivered in front of an American landmark. “No nation has done more to advance the human condition than the United States of America. And no people have done more to promote human progress than the citizens of our great nation,” he said.

Contrary to the media reporting, the America Mr. Trump described is one of genuine racial equality and diversity. He highlighted the central ideal of the Declaration of Independence that “all men are created equal.” As he rightly put it, “these immortal words set in motion the unstoppable march of freedom” that included the abolition of slavery more than a half century later.

Also from Byron York:

Trump’s theme was a call for American to unite in the face of threat. Standing in front of Mount Rushmore’s massive images of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt, Trump celebrated “American giants in full flesh and blood, gallant men whose intrepid deeds unleashed the greatest leap of human advancement the world has ever known.”

Trump celebrated America’s founding as “not only a revolution in government, but a revolution in the pursuit of justice, equality, liberty, and prosperity. No nation has done more to advance the human condition than the United States of America. And no people have done more to promote human progress than the citizens of our great nation.”

The Founders “enshrined a divine truth that changed the world forever when they said: ‘all men are created equal.’ These immortal words set in motion the unstoppable march of freedom. Our Founders boldly declared that we are all endowed with the same divine rights — given [to] us by our Creator in Heaven.”