Historic Peace Deal Reached in the Middle East

Trump Administration negotiated full diplomatic relations between Israel and UAE

Posted on Aug 13, 2020

A historic deal between Israel and the UAE was announced on Thursday by the Trump Administration, where Israel and the UAE opened full diplomatic relations, with Israel suspending its annexation plans in the West Bank.

This is a huge breakthrough in that Israel doesn’t have diplomatic recognition in many Middle East countries. As other Middle Eastern countries turn against Iran, Israel’s reputation has been improving. The peace deal is a critical step to contain Iranian aggression against both nations.

Excerpts from the statement issued by Israel, the UAE and the U.S.

“This historic diplomatic breakthrough will advance peace in the Middle East region and is a testament to the bold diplomacy and vision of the three leaders and the courage of the United Arab Emirates and Israel to chart a new path that will unlock the great potential in the region. All three countries face many common challenges and will mutually benefit from today’s historic achievement.”

“As a result of this diplomatic breakthrough and at the request of President Trump with the support of the United Arab Emirates, Israel will suspend declaring sovereignty over areas outlined in the President Vision for Peace and focus its efforts now on expanding ties with other countries in the Arab and Muslim World.”

“This normalization of relations and peaceful diplomacy will bring together two of America’s most reliable and capable regional partners. Israel and the United Arab Emirates will join with the United States to launch a Strategic Agenda for the Middle East to expand diplomatic, trade, and security cooperation.”