Joe Biden spent nearly half a century in Washington as a career politician and has nothing to show for it but a long record of failure. Americans can’t afford to give Biden another four years to fix the problems he helped create during his 47-years in office.
Higher taxes on families, terrible trade deals, kowtowing to China while his family enriched themselves from his position, energy, healthcare and foreign policy flops – and yet, Biden is still pushing the same tired, old, liberal ideas.
Biden has been wrong for way too long, and his record proves it:
- Biden oversaw the worst economic recovery since the Great Depression while he was vice president.
- Job growth averaged just 110,000 jobs per month, wages grew at a paltry average of just 2.2%, and the average unemployment rate was 7.4%. Even Joe Biden admitted workers were left behind in their “recovery.”
- It failed to bring back manufacturing jobs, the middle-class shrunk, 14 million Americans left the workforce, and nearly 800,000 fell into poverty. By 2016, 57 percent of Americans believed the economy was getting worse.
- Biden’s management of the Recovery Act failed to deliver the “shovel ready jobs” he promised, and was plagued by taxpayer waste, fraud and abuse. Remember the $535 million Solyndra disaster?
- When Biden was vice president, $872 billion worth of new regulations were imposed on the economy, creating an estimated 583 million hours of paperwork for American workers.
- Obama mocked President Trump’s pledge to revive America’s economy in 2016, asking “what magic wand does he have?” Obama said it was impossible, but President Trump succeeded.
- Biden sided with credit card companiesover Americans struggling to pay their bills, authoring a law that made it harder for consumers to declare bankruptcy and helped create the student debt crisis.
- Now Biden is proposing $4 trillion in new taxes, which will mean more of your hard-earned money going back to the government to fund radical proposals like free healthcare to illegal immigrants and free college tuition.
- Biden, who once admitted he is not “an expert on international trade matters,” voted for NAFTA, then spent years defending it while 850,000 Americans lost their jobs due to the bad trade deal. He insisted the arguments against NAFTA were “vastly, vastly, vastly overblown.”
- Under Obama, Biden pushed for terrible trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that would have decimated even more jobs and continued Biden’s decades-long record of helping foreign countries at the expense of working-class Americans.
- Biden supported China’s entry into the World Trade Organization and led the efforts to denote China with “Most Favored Nation” trading status, a move that decimated 3.7 million American jobs.
- Biden promised his vote would not hurt American workers while the U.S. lost millions of good-paying manufacturing and other jobs. For years, Biden defended China, saying “It is in our self-interest that China continue to prosper,” that “China’s not a problem,” and that China is “not bad” and “not competition” for America.
- As vice president, Biden told a Chinese audience that he “understood” the country’s horrific one-child policy and made comments about human rights that were so off base that The Washington Post editorial board called Biden outfor having “bought into” Chinese Communist propaganda.
- Biden blocked any and all attemptsto protect human rights in the United States’ trade relationship with China, voting against human rights standards and labor standards before permanently normalizing trade relations with Communist China. Biden even claimed that normalizing trade relations with China would “enhance” U.S. national security.
- Meanwhile, Joe’s son Hunter Biden was personally profiting from his father’s friendly relationship with the Chinese, landing a lucrative deal with the Bank of Chinajust days after visiting the country with his father via Air Force Two. Hunter is still invested in a Chinese fund, Bohai Harvest RST, that funded technology used by the Chinese government to surveil Muslims.
- Biden blocked any and all attempts to protect human rights in the United States’ trade relationship with China, voting against human rights standards and labor standards before permanently normalizing trade relations with Communist China. Biden even claimed that normalizing trade relations with China would “enhance” U.S. national security.
- Biden talks about energy jobs in the past tense and openly admits he will happily “sacrifice” hundreds of thousands of blue-collar jobs in order to achieve his extreme environmental agenda.
- Biden promised “no new fracking” in a Biden Administration
- Kamala Harris fully endorses this plan. In a CNN Townhall, Harris said unequivocally, “There is no question, I’m in favor of banning fracking.” Harris praised the Green New Deal and its socialist, job-eliminating, everything-banning “principles” as “sound and important.”
- Biden helped pass a government takeover of health care, which led to skyrocketing premiums, higher deductibles, fewer choices, and millions of Americans had their health insurance plans canceled.
- Instead of tackling prescription drug prices, Obama and Biden struck a corrupt deal with pharmaceutical industry executivesto protect drug manufacturers in exchange for a $150 million advertising blitz to sell ObamaCare.
- Obama once admitted that the “public option” scheme that Joe Biden is now proposing would wipe out families’ privately-held health plans.
- Biden’s public option plan would put more than half of rural hospitals at “high risk” of closure, jeopardizing access to 63,000 hospital beds and threatening the jobs of 420,000 health care employees.
- Biden pledged to bring back the unpopular individual mandate tax, disproportionately taxing lower-income families.
- Biden “did every possible thing wrong”responding to the 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic.
- Biden failed to replenish the nation’s stockpile of N95 masks after the 2009 swine flu.
- Biden failed to unite our country, with 69% of Americans – the all-time high– saying that race relations were mostly bad when Biden left office.
- Biden worked with segregationist Strom Thurmond to pass laws incarcerating Black Americans for crack cocaine possession
- He voted to protect the tax-exempt status of segregated schools
- He praised the civility of segregationists(then refused to apologize for it when confronted by Black Democrats like Cory Booker)
- Biden authored the 1994 crime bill that made him the “architect of mass incarceration. ”
- Under Obama-Biden, ISIS was allowed to flourish and grow across the Middle East while America’s adversaries were emboldened.
- Iranian terrorist Soleimani was permitted to plot attacks on American troops in the Middle East while Obama and Biden delivered pallets of cash to the Iranian regime as part of a terrible deal that would have allowed them to acquire nuclear weapons.
- Biden opposed the raidto get Osama bin laden, and then lied about it.
- When President Trump took action in January to bring Soleimanito justice and end his plotting against Americans, Biden and Harris opposed it, whining and shamelessly politicizing the death of a dangerous terrorist with the blood of American troops on his hands.
- Biden supported and defended the war in Iraq for years, and then lied about it.
- Biden first suggestedthe failed “reset with Russia.”
- Biden failed to provide lethal aide to Ukraine in the face of Russia’s invasion of Crimea.
- Biden failed to effectively counter Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, with even his fellow Democrats admitting Biden “choked.”
- Biden supported the Iran nuclear deal that sent pallets of unmarked cashto the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism.
- Biden has been wrong about nearly every major foreign policy issue of the past four decades, according to former Obama-Biden Secretary of Defense Robert Gates.