President Trump has a plan for school reopening

Democrats appear to want to keep schools closed indefinitely

Posted on Sep 2, 2020

While Democrats appear to want to keep schools closed indefinitely, President Trump is taking decisive action and working diligently with his administration to ensure America’s schools can safely re-open. The President wants to allow flexibility for parents to decide what option is best for the wellbeing of their child and family.

That being said, the best evidence available shows that coronavirus poses a low-risk to school-age children. Data suggests that children and adolescents under 18 years old account for under 7 percent of COVID-19 cases, and 99.96 percent of all fatalities are adults.

Prolonged periods of absence from physical learning in the classroom hurt students’ abilities from advancing academically; and studies show that while long term school closures adversely affect students from all backgrounds, it is especially harmful to those in disadvantaged communities:

  • According to a survey by EdTrust, 50 percent of low-income and 42 percent of families of color lack sufficient devices at home to access distance learning.
  • McKinsey & Co. has found that school shutdowns deprive lower income students of vital support and engagement, resulting in disproportionate learning losses.
  • Another study showed that due to shutdowns last spring, the average student will begin this school year roughly 35 percent behind in reading and more than 50 percent behind in math compared to a typical year.
  • Without in-person learning, educators are also unable to monitor important learning deficits, as well as report signs of abuse and address mental health problems.
    • According to Federal data, education personnel report one in five cases alleging child abuse or neglect.
  • Lack of in-person learning also deprives students, especially the most disadvantaged students, of access to important services.
  • Nationwide, nearly 30 million American students rely on schools for free or reduced meals.
  • More than 70% of children receiving mental health services do so at school, and nearly all therapies for children with intellectual or physical disabilities are performed at school.

In an effort to ensure that America’s children can return to in-person classes, the President has called for Congress to pass $105 billion – $70 billion of which is for K-12 schools – to provide financial assistance and incentives to help schools implement safety measures in their resumption of in-person classes.

President Trump is also calling on Congress to pass the School Choice Now Act, which includes his groundbreaking Education Freedom Scholarships proposal, to give students and families the resources and power to select the right education setting for them.

President Trump delivered $13 billion in funding to states to support K-12 education, which can be used to help schools safely reopen and his administration is working on a plan to provide millions of reusable face coverings to States for students, teachers, and staff. The Trump Administration also applauds many States that have utilized Federal CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Fund dollars to prioritize the safe reopening of schools.

Democrats claim to be about the “science” of re-opening, but they certainly are not adhering to the experts’ advice when it comes to re-opening schools and getting our children back in the classroom.

The CDC released tools and guidelines geared towards helping schools reopen. Fox News reported:

“CDC Director Dr. Robert R. Redfield said it was vital for schools to reopen in September, but added there must be an increased sense of vigilance and practicality among students, teachers and administrators.

“It is critically important for our public health to open schools this fall,” he explained. “The CDC resources released today will help parents, teachers and administrators make practical, safety-focused decisions as this school year begins. I know this has been a difficult time for our Nation’s families. School closures have disrupted normal ways of life for children and parents, and they have had negative health consequences on our youth. CDC is prepared to work with K-12 schools to safely reopen while protecting the most vulnerable.”

Scientists, Doctors, and the President agree it is imperative that we get American children back in the classroom:

US News : “With social distancing, schools should be safe to reopen this Fall.”

Boston Herald : “Johns Hopkins experts say reopening schools is possible with low coronavirus transmission rates.”

The American Academy of Pediatrics : “All policy considerations for the coming school year should start with a goal of having students physically present in school.”

New York Times survey of 500 epidemiologists and infectious disease specialists reported that 70% said they would send their children to school “right now, later in the summer or in the fall.”

Centers for Disease Control’s Dr. Anthony Fauci said it was time to think about opening schools in June 2020 calling the idea of keeping them closed due to COVID-19 “a bit of a reach.”

President Trump has always been an advocate for school choice, maintaining that children and families should have the freedom to choose where their child is educated as every child deserves the opportunity to attend a school that is tailored to their individual learning styles, talents, and interests.

Under President Trump’s leadership and with the guidance of the experts, our nation’s schools must re-open, not only for the sake of America’s children whose academic success and development depend on in-person classes, but also for the sake of the 5.6 million American parents who will be unable to return to work if schools do not reopen.