Biden’s Threat to American Jobs

Biden is too weak to save American jobs, stand up to Pelosi, and stop violent riots.

Posted on Sep 7, 2020
By American Herald Staff

From Joe Biden’s Green New Deal to his support for TPP and NAFTA to his repeated denials that China is a threat to American jobs, Biden’s anti-worker record will decimate good-paying union jobs across the country.

Biden’s extreme proposal to ban fracking would particularly hurt Pennsylvania, leading to hundreds of thousands of workers finding themselves “unemployed overnight” while devastating “communities throughout the Rust Belt.”

Meanwhile, Biden openly admits he will happily “sacrifice” hundreds of thousands of blue-collar union jobs in order to achieve his extreme environmental agenda:

  • Union workers have raised concerns about “immediate harm to millions” from the job-killing Green New Deal. Said one union leader: “All it does is do what the Democratic Party seems to be very good at lately, which is export our jobs.”
  • Joe Biden isn’t listening, siding instead with the extreme left-wing of his party and making his job-killing Green New Deal a central pillar of his platform, going so far as to view a global pandemic as his “opportunity” to enact it.

Biden’s anti-worker agenda goes back decades. Biden supported NAFTA in 1993 despite admitting workers had “legitimate concerns” about losing their jobs:

Not only did Biden break his promise to America’s workers, but he doubled down on the same failed trade policies, giving China a pass while pushing yet another job-killing trade deal:

Joe Biden is the largest threat to American jobs. He’s too weak to stand up to the radical left’s economic agenda. He’s too weak to stop Pelosi. And he’s too weak to condemn the violent riots tearing down American cities.

Joe Biden’s record makes it clear he is not a champion for working-class Americans. President Trump is. He has tirelessly defended working Americans and kept his promises, withdrawing the U.S. from the TPP, successfully negotiating a new U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade deal, brokering a historic Phase One trade deal with China to level the playing field for America’s workers, and overseeing strong wage growth and job creation after years of stagnation under Joe Biden’s watch.

Come November, it will be clear to millions of workers across the country that President Trump is the best person to get America’s economy roaring back to life after this global pandemic’s artificial interruption.