Pennsylvania Voter to Biden: ‘He’s pandering to who he can get his votes from’

Posted on Sep 7, 2020
By American Herald Staff

Democratic nominee for President, Joe Biden, and his running mate Kamala Harris have promised on numerous occasions that they would ban fracking if elected to office. Biden and his campaign have tried to walk back this promise after realizing eliminating hundreds of thousands of well-paying jobs does not play well with voters.

Under a Biden-Harris administration ban on fracking, states that depend on American energy like Pennsylvania would see over 609,000 well-paying jobs lost, $261 billion of their state economy would vanish, and residents would pay $4,654 more on average for goods and services.

On a national level, a ban on fracking would eliminate 19 million American jobs and decrease our GDP by $7.1 trillion.

Brian Linn, a third-generation oil and gas worker appeared on Fox & Friends this weekend to discuss Biden’s plans to ban fracking:

“I completely, wholeheartedly think he is against fracking. I mean he’s said it numerous times, but it’s the same song and dance from Joe Biden, he’s been career flip-flopping. It’s unfortunate we have a guy out there that’s saying ‘I’m going to ban fracking’ to some people and then he’s going to come back here to Pennsylvania and say ‘No, I’m not going to do that. I never said that’…it’s mind-blowing to me that people haven’t been able to see through Joe Biden and see what he’s really about. He’s pandering to who he can get his votes from.”


Team Biden has tried to walk back Biden’s promise to unequivocally ban fracking, but Americans remember and they see through his lies and his pandering to the hundreds of thousands of jobs and an economic recovery that hang in the balance.