It’s been all over the news lately—Hispanic American voters do not like Joe Biden or the radical socialist policies he is campaigning on. In a recent report, USA Today spoke with Cuban American voters about Joe Biden:
“Al Cardenas, a Cuban American activist who once chaired Florida’s Republican Party, said the Trump campaign has successfully wooed South Florida Latinos largely because the president’s frequent broadsides against the Castro regime in Cuba and the Maduro regime in Venezuela have gone unanswered.
‘Democrats have gone silent on the subject, so he filled up that silence to satisfy significant portion of the exile communities,’ said Cardenas…
But for Trump’s Cuban American supporters, it still comes down to that one word: socialism.
Ricardo Gomez, a former police officer turned criminal defense attorney in Miami, said his family fought too hard to flee Fidel Castro’s Cuba only to end up with a socialist-leaning administration in the United States. Gomez, whose father fought in the Bay of Pigs invasion and was held captive by Castro’s forces for seven months, doesn’t believe that Biden and Harris are moderates, but have instead adopted the most radical ideals of the Democratic party.
‘They’ve adopted Bernie Sanders, they’ve adopted the AOC model,’ said Gomez, 60, referring to progressive Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. ‘They’re not calling the anarchists in the street burning and looting what they are … street thugs.’
Gomez supports the idea of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid – limited government programs that provide a last-resort safety net for people facing difficult times. But he said a Biden administration would push to vastly expand those programs, allowing people to become dependent on government handouts. And that, he said, strikes fear into the hearts of immigrants from Cuba or Venezuela or Nicaragua.
‘The way communists and socialists work is they start taking from the top and distributing, but sooner or later they run out of stuff to distribute,’ he said. ‘Do we want this to become another Cuba? Do we want this to become another Venezuela?’’’
Democrats promise Hispanic Americans the very future that many of them fled. President Trump however has worked tirelessly to promote opportunity and prosperity for Hispanic Americans:
- In the past 4 months, Hispanic Americans have gained back more than 3.3 million jobs.
- The unemployment rate for Hispanic Americans has already dropped by 8.4 percentage points since April, a 4-month record decrease in unemployment.
- President Trump’s Paycheck Protection Program has provided strong relief to Hispanic-owned small businesses.
- The Trump Administration has delivered millions of economic impact payments to American workers and families impacted by the pandemic, including many Hispanic American families.
- The Hispanic American homeownership rate has reached a record high.
- President Trump launched the White House Hispanic Prosperity Initiative and Interagency Working Group to improve Hispanic Americans’ access to education, training, and economic opportunities.
- The President successfully completed the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act, delivering massive tax cuts for Hispanic Americans.
- Thanks to President Trump, nearly 9,000 Opportunity Zones have been established to drive new investments and deliver new jobs to disadvantaged and left-behind communities.
- 9 million Hispanic Americans live within Opportunity Zones.
- Before the pandemic struck our shores, President Trump helped achieve the lowest ever unemployment rate for Hispanic Americans.
The results speak for themselves; President Trump is a President for ALL Americans. He has worked to ensure that every Hispanic American has the opportunity to succeed and achieve their American dream.