Biden’s Trade Deals Buried Pennsylvania Workers

Biden killed Pennsylvania jobs before, and his radical 2020 agenda would do it again

Posted on Oct 19, 2020
By American Herald Staff

President Trump will be in Erie, Pennsylvania tomorrow evening, discussing his plans to continue the Great American Comeback and help the Keystone State. That includes undoing failed trade deals like NAFTA and replacing them with pro-growth, job-creating deals like the USMCA.

Joe Biden has shown he is the worst possible person to help Pennsylvania’s economy and workers, having spent decades killing jobs in the state with his failed trade deals. Biden voted for NAFTA, a trade deal that killed 850,000 American jobs, including manufacturing jobs in every region of the Keystone state. In 2007, Biden said he would re-negotiate NAFTA, but failed to do so as Vice President.

Biden voted to normalize trade relations with China which killed 3.2 million jobs – including 136,000 in Pennsylvania – and hollowed out America’s manufacturing sector. Now, Biden’s pushing a radical agenda and tax hikes would smother the economy, just as many workers are getting back on their feet. Biden has proposed a $4 trillion tax hike, which would raise taxes on 82 percent of Americans.

Biden has said that he is willing to “sacrifice” “hundreds of thousands” of blue-collar jobs to transition into a green economy. Biden has repeatedly said that he wants to “end” fossil fuels, industries which support 370,000 jobs in Pennsylvania alone. Biden said he would “love to” ban fracking, which would kill 609,000 jobs in Pennsylvania. Biden’s “energy” plan openly calls for eliminating oil and gas from the U.S. energy grid by 2035.

While President Trump has helped make America an energy super-power, Biden’s radical energy policies would kill Pennsylvania jobs and leave the U.S. at the mercy of foreign energy producers.

Biden led the worst economic “recovery” since the Great Depression and the middle class got left behind – 192,000 manufacturing jobs were lost, wages grew at a meager 2.2 percent, and the number of Americans on food stamps increased by 10.7 million. In 2012, Biden admitted the middle class had been “buried” under his “recovery.”

America can’t afford four years of a Biden economy. President Trump built the greatest economy the world has ever seen – he did it once and he will do it again.