Bombshell news reports have revealed a laptop allegedly owned by Hunter Biden contains evidence of Hunter using his connections to set up a meeting between then-Vice President Joe Biden and a Ukrainian businessman and advisor to the board of Burisma. It’s no secret that Joe Biden’s family has been cashing in on his name – and government positions – for decades. While Hunter is the most egregious example of this shady activity, his brothers Frank and James also leveraged Joe Biden’s political clout to advance their business schemes and enrich themselves.
Long before the laptop surfaced, Hunter Biden was “stumbling through life and often trading on his dad’s name and position for financial gain.” Fresh out of law school in 1996, Hunter went to work for MBNA, a “dominant issuer of credit cards” at a time he father was jokingly referred to as “the Senator from MBNA.” For his work, Hunter was paid more then $100,000.
After leaving MBNA, Hunter became a lobbyist. While the Obama-Biden campaign claimed Hunter never lobbied his father’s office, partners at Hunter’s firm did contact staff in Biden’s office. While Hunter was a lobbyist, Joe Biden used his position to help his son’s efforts.
Joe Biden’s brother James has also heavily leaned on his family name. In 1975, shortly after Joe Biden became a Senator, James, Joe’s younger brother, and his business partner received a $500,000 loan from First Pennsylvania Bank, despite having only $40,000 in combined assets. Sources at the bank said the loan was made because James was Biden’s brother. In 2018, James allegedly told executives of Integrate Oral Care he would get the Biden Cancer Initiative to promote Integrate’s oral rinse used by cancer patients.
In 2006, James and Hunter teamed up to take over a hedge fund, telling friends and associates not to worry about investors because “people all around the world want to invest in Joe Biden.”
Frank Biden, Biden’s other brother, admitted he “enjoy[s] automatic acceptance or at least listening to what [he has] to say” as a result of his last name. In 2013, Frank and Florida state senator Joe Abruzzo lobbied on a federal bill prohibiting horse slaughter. During the process, Frank credited Biden’s “long-term relationships in the Senate” as the “final nail in the coffin to be able to pull this thing forward.”