COVID-19 Death Rates Drop

Cases have increased, but death rates are falling

Posted on Jun 29, 2020

The mainstream media fear monger machine is back at it again, spinning ominous stories about a second wave of the coronavirus. Last week, the media ran with the narrative that President Trump asked to slow down coronavirus testing after a spike in cases—this however, was proven false by Dr. Fauci and Deborah Birx who vehemently denied the claim. Fauci went so far as to say, “None of us have ever been told to slow down on testing. That just is a fact.”

What the media neglects to mention is that thanks to President Trump, the United States now has the resources to test anyone who wants to be tested for the virus. Many of the positives that we are now seeing are asymptomatic. While the media continues to spin, attributing the rise in cases to one single Trump rally instead of the nationwide protests and increase in testing, the figures coming from the CDC are telling a much different story.

Last Friday, the CDC released its’ latest data on the coronavirus and if you step back and compare the facts to the stories coming from the fake news media, you would see a tale of two countries. The CDC found that there has been about 26 million cases of the coronavirus in the United States—TEN times as many cases that testing in our country has uncovered, meaning that nearly 1 in 10 Americans has contracted the virus. To break this down even further, it means that most Americans have already had the virus and experienced such mild symptoms (if any at all) that they did not seek treatment.

Now, the best news that you’re not hearing from the mainstream media is that the recovery rate from the virus is 99.5%. That’s right, the death rate from the virus .5%. So while the mainstream media continues to fear monger, the death rate from the virus continues to drop. This Saturday, the coronavirus death rate dropped 20% from the previous Saturday despite the increase in cases.

While the media coverage of the coronavirus will remain apocalyptic for the foreseeable future, the facts show a much different story and thanks to President Trump those who do contract the virus and need medical care do not have to worry. President Trump worked swiftly with his administration and with the private sector to rebuild our nation’s PPE stockpile, to ensure that everyone who needed a hospital bed and a ventilator received one, and cut regulations to expedite the vaccine process. It’s time to cut through the fake news noise and focus on re-opening the country as far more Americans are now suffering from the shutdown than from the virus itself.