Recapping Attorney General Barr’s CNN Interview

Posted on Sep 3, 2020

Attorney General Bill Barr joined CNN’s “The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer” last night and set the record straight on months of fake news media rhetoric from the left’s false claim that universal mail in voting is no different than voting by absentee ballot, to China, to race relations in the United States. Take a look:


On “Systemic Racism”


BARR: Now, I did say that I do think that there appears to be a phenomenon in the country where African Americans feel that they’re treated when they’re stopped by police frequently as suspects before they’re treated as citizens. I don’t think that that necessarily reflects some deep seated racism in police departments or in most police officers.

I think the same kind of behavior is done by African American police officers. I think there are stereotypes. I think people operate very frequently according to stereotypes. And I it takes extra precaution, you know, on the part of law enforcement to make sure we don’t reduce people to stereotypes, we treat them as individuals.

BLITZER: But are there two justice systems here in the United States?

BARR: No, I don’t think they’re two justice systems. Let’s — you know, I think the narrative that there’s — that the police are on some, you know, epidemic of shooting unarmed black men is simply a false narrative and also the narrative that that’s based on race.

The fact of the matter, it’s very rare for an unarmed African American to be shot by a white police officer. There were 10 cases last year, six of them, the suspect was attacking the police officer physically. So these are rare things compared to the seven to 8000 young black men who were killed every year.

To me, the word systemic means that it’s built into the institution. And I don’t think that’s true. I think our institutions have been reformed in the past 60 years, and if anything has been built in, it’s a bias to nondiscrimination and safeguards against that. And so, that’s what I’m reacting to on systemic. And also, I think we have to be a little careful about throwing the idea of racism around.

Racism usually means, you know, that, I believe that because of your race, you’re a lesser human being than me. And I think there are people in the United States that feel that way.

But I don’t think it is as common as people suggest. And I think we have safeguards to ensure that it doesn’t really have an effect into someone’s future. I think we’ve made a lot of progress in the past 60 years.

 I think we have to make sure that, you know, stereotypes do not govern our actions in the justice system. And I think police departments do a pretty good job of trying to police against that. And I think progress — there’s more progress that could be made and more reform, and we’re going about that. But the demonization of the police and the idea that this is so widespread and epidemic is simply wrong.

BLITZER: On Monday night, President Trump compared the police shootings like Jacob Blake’s, for example, in his words to a golfer choking and missing a three-foot putt. Is that how you view police shootings like a golf or missing a three foot putt?

BARR: No. I think what the President was saying there, and it’s something that I think should be said and has to be said that in many of these shooting situations, it is not because of race, it’s because the officer is scared for his life and is in a situation where a half a second could mean the difference between his life and his death. And he’s wrestling with somebody. And they sometimes may do things that appear in hindsight to be excessive. It doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s racism.


On Mail-in Voting:


When asked about whether President Trump was encouraging voter fraud, Barr responded:

“BARR: It seems to me what he’s saying is he’s trying to make the point that the ability to monitor this system is not good. And if it was so good, if you tried to vote a second time, you would be caught. If you voted in person…this sort of cheap talk to get around the fundamental problem, which is a bipartisan commission chaired by Jimmy Carter and James Baker said back in 2009 that a mail-in voting is fraud with the risk of fraud and coercion… And since that time, there been in the newspapers, in networks, academic studies saying it is open to fraud and coercion. The only time the narrative changed is after this administration came in, but elections that have been held with mail have found substantial fraud and coercion.

For example, we indicted someone in Texas, 1,700 ballots collected from people who could vote he made them out and voted for the person he wanted to. OK? That kind of thing happens with mail-in ballots. And everyone knows that.

BLITZER: But there were individual cases, but as far as widespread fraud, we haven’t seen that since —

BARR: Well, we haven’t had the kind of widespread use of mail-in ballots as being proposed. We’ve had absentee ballots from people who request them from a specific address.

Now, what we’re talking about is mailing them to everyone on the voter list when everyone knows those voter lists are inaccurate. People who should get them don’t get them, which is what has been one of the major complaints in states that have tried this in municipal elections. And people who get them are not the right people. They’re people who have replaced the previous occupant, and they can make them out and sometimes multiple ballots come to the same address, with a whole generate — several generations of occupants. You think that’s a way to run a vote?”

When Wolf Blitzer asserted that there is no precedent for widespread voter fraud, Barr responded:

BARR: Wolf, this is dealing with fire. This is playing with fire. We’re a very closely divided country here.

And if people have to have confidence in the results of the election and the legitimacy of the government. And people trying to change the rules to this methodology, which as a matter of logic is very open to fraud and coercion is reckless and dangerous, and the people are playing with fire.”

Barr also addressed ensuring the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions can feel safe voting in person or vote by absentee ballot:

“The appropriate way to deal with that is number one, arrangements at the polls that protect people which can be done. And number two, people who are — have preexisting conditions and are particularly vulnerable can get an absentee ballot. I have no problem with — I voted by absentee ballot, not by mail. I actually went to the office to cast my vote, but absentee ballots are fine.” 

On China Being a Bad Actor: 

When questioned about nefarious foreign actors in the Election, AG Barr hammered home that the Democrat’s beloved China is who we need to be concerned about:

“BARR: It wouldn’t surprise me if Russia tries something again, of the same general genre before. I mean, this influence basically is two kinds of things. It’s hacking, you get into someone’s mail system and then try to disclose embarrassing documents. It wouldn’t surprise me if they try something like that or any other country tries it.

The other way is, you know, social media and putting things out on social.

BLITZER: Because the intelligence community says Russia, China and Iran are seeking to interfere in the U.S. presidential election for various reasons. But mostly they want to sow dissent in our country, exacerbate racial tensions, et cetera, like that. Of those three countries that the intelligence community has pointed to Russia, China, and Iran, which is the most assertive, the most aggressive in this area?

BARR: I believe it’s China.

BLITZER: Which one?

BARR: China.

BLITZER: China more than Russia right now?

BARR: Yes.

BLITZER: Why do you say that?

BARR: Because I’ve seen the intelligence. That’s what I’ve concluded.”